Based on its review of the evidence, Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommended a new daily intake of dietary fibre for adults of 30g with proportionally lower recommended intakes for children. But most people in the UK do not eat enough dietary fibre. A low fibre intake is associated with constipation and gut diseases such as diverticulitis and bowel cancer. Average intakes of dietary fibre in adults is 20g fibre per day. (BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION)
When SACN assessed evidence for the links between fibre and health outcomes, it found a significant reduction in risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer at 30g fibre or more per day. This is consistent with authoritative bodies around the world, who typically recommend dietary fibre intake of 25-30g per day for adults. SACN therefore recommended 30g/day as a revised adult intake for adults in the UK. Average intake of UK adults is 20g fibre. Socio-economic disparities exist with lower intakes in the lowest income quintile compared to the highest, in all age groups and in both sexes. (BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION)
How much fibre should I have?
Adults are recommended to get around 30g of dietary fibre each day for the general health benefits. However, the latest figures suggest that in the UK, the average fibre intake for adults is 18g, 60% of what it should be.
Children from age two should aim for 15g per day. Primary school age children should try to eat 20g per day. Secondary school aged children should try to eat 25g per day.
This advice should be adapted according to your medical history and tolerance level. If you have conditions such as IBS, you may find fermentable fibre in larger amounts causes bloating, gas and diarrhoea (see our BDA Food Fact Sheet on IBS ). (THE ASSOCIATION OF UK DIETITIANS),aim%20for%2015g%20per%20day.
The latest figures suggest that in the UK, the average fibre intake for adults is 18g, 60% of what it should be. (THE ASSOCIATION OF UK DIETITIANS),aim%20for%2015g%20per%20day.
Adults in the UK are recommended to consumer 30g of fibre a day but are currently consuming about 20g a day on average. Children are also eating less fibre than recommended. (BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION)
Average intakes of dietary fibre in adults are 20g fibre per day. (BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION)